A&T Talks :: How to Generate Income As A Creative

A&T Talks_ViktorBaltus

Topic: How to Generate Income As A Creative

Guest: Viktor Baltus

Synopsis: A&T Talks — Practical advice and insight for your creative journey in 30 minutes or less.

In this A&T Talks episode, we chat with type and graphic designer Viktor Baltus. His work at Type Design Class is helping creatives become better designers one lesson at a time. We discuss, briefly, his pillar system or the Roman Temple method of generating income as a creative. It's a simple and useful guide that will instantly shift how you operate your business as a freelancer and entrepreneur.

Follow Viktor Baltus: Type Design Class
Learn how to become a better designer: www.typedesignclass.com

Have a question you'd like to be discussed? Send all inquiries to hello@artisansandtrade.com.

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