Posts tagged Educator
A&T Talks :: How to Win Clients and Customers

In this A&T Talks episode, New York-based filmmaker and educator Jason Guzman joins us to talk about inbound marketing and how to win clients and customers using a variety of marketing strategies. His media production company Flywheel Film is deploying their full range video production services to help businesses better tell visually compelling stories.

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A&T Talks :: How to Build A Clientele From Zero

In this A&T Talks episode, photographer, educator, entrepreneur, and all around creative Justin Bridges joins us to help navigate how to build a clientele and get a business off the ground. His clients include Saks Fifth Avenue, Barney's NY, Amazon, Giorgio Armani and more. He's a Skillshare educator currently developing an all-intensive educational platform for creative professionals hyper-focused on delivering accessible information in the intersection of wealth, work, and wellbeing--sign up for that!

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25. Don't Be A Starving Artist :: Nolwen Cifuentes

Nolwen Cifuentes is a photographer and director based in Los Angeles, California. Her clients include Billboard, Netflix, Rolling Stone, and TIME magazine. She is the founder of "Don't Be A Starving Artist", a quickly growing educational resource providing financial advice and insights for freelance creatives from her personal journey and experience. In this episode, we talk about ramping up into a full time practice as a photographer, building a formidable business as a freelancer, and how to avoid financial struggles as an artist.

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23. Into The World of Politics & Journalism :: Benjamin Studebaker

Benjamin Studebaker is a political theorist whose work is deeply concerned about the way social and political systems operate or ought to operate. He recently completed his PhD in Politics & International Studies at the University of Cambridge where he has also taught on the history of political thought. Currently, he hosts the podcast Political Theory 101. In this episode, we talk about and dissect the current political landscape, and wrap up the conversation talking about the many ways to approach a career in journalism.

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22. Charting Your Own Course :: Magali Duzant

Magali Duzant is an interdisciplinary artist, writer, and educator whose practice investigates the poetics of perception and inquiry through installations, photographs, texts, and artist books. Her incredibly thought provoking work has been exhibited internationally from Singapore to Beijing. In this episode, we talk about finding your why, experimentation as a method of discovering your style as an artist, conceptualizing projects, how to become a freelance writer, and making a living as an artist.

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