Posts tagged Poet
11. Decoding Language: A Poet's Craft :: Dominique Christina

Dominique Christina is an award-winning poet and writer, author, actor, educator, and social agitator. Her “soul work”, as she often refers to it, is influenced by her family's lineage and legacy in the Civil Rights Movement and by the idea that words make worlds. She is a mother, a published author of four books, currently holds five national poetry slam titles including the 2014 & 2012 Women of the World Slam Champion and the 2011 National Poetry Slam Champion. In this episode, we talk about the impact of poetry & creative writing, the need to interrogate and decode the language we use, she shares her writing process and influences, and delivers sage advice to emerging poets and writers.

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9. The Way of the Poet :: Tongo Eisen-Martin

Tongo Eisen-Martin is a poet, writer, educator, and movement worker. His work centers on issues of mass incarceration, extrajudicial killings of Black people, and human rights. In our conversation, we talk about the purpose and mission of a poet, the intricacies of organizing revolutionary movements, how to make a living as a poet, and the process of writing and performance.

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